is developed by in cooperation with the Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden for spreading information about the 1915 genocide in Ottoman Turkey which engulfed Armenians, Assyrians/Syriacs/Chaldeans as well as Anatolian and Pontic Greeks.
Many have heard of the Armenian Genocide, 1915 Genocide or Seyfo but the general knowledge is still limited. presents a selection of answers to frequently asked questions, research material, documents, evidence and other available information on the events of WWI.
2021-05-06 The Latvian Parliament officially recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2021-04-24 The US President, Joe Biden, officially recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2020-02-13 The Syrian Parliament recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2019-12-12 The US Senate recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2019-10-29 The US House of Representatives recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2015-10-29 Paraguay Senate recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2015-04-22 Austrian Parliament recognizes the 1915 Genocide.
2015-04-20 The German Government recognizes the 1915 Genocide
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Knowledge and Acknowledgement
A new book on the politics of memory of the Armenian Genocide is published on October 12, 2018 by Routledge. It can also be ordered from Amazon.